Fan works

I produce content for (and interact with) primarily Fullmetal Alchemist and Harry Potter. Take a look at some of my favorite pieces of fanart I have done!

chibi edward elric head

Art commissioned from bloominflowers

the rhode island coven

My in-process novel, The Rhode Island Coven, takes up a lot of space in my head. Like queer wizards? Then you may be interested in TRIC. Posts about it on my various social media accounts are tagged #TRIC if you would like to stay up to date on developments.

*currently closed*

the bloody mary

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fandom discourse policies

I do not wish to be involved in fandom discourse at all. If there is in-fighting in fandom, call-out posts, etc, I prefer not to know about it. I very rarely engage with fandom except through my friends who are into the same media franchises as I am, and I have no interest in getting involved in online drama. I appreciate you keeping any discourse off my accounts, and if something does come up that you think urgently requires my attention, please notify me through private channels. Thank you!

about me

Hello!! My name is Sky, also known as (or some variation) on most websites. I am a 27 year old illustrator/writer. I am nonbinary, and my pronouns are he/him or they/them. I don't care much for astrology, but if you do, then you might like to know my signs: taurus sun, cancer moon, leo rising. I can speak English and Japanese.At home, I have a wonderful husband, Hajin, and lots of furbabies (1 dog, 5 cats, and 2 rabbits). You can find some pictures of them all on Instagram.My favorite media franchises include The Witcher, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Persona. I also like a lot of other anime, video games, etc, but these are my Big 3. I'm also very into the Harry Potter ship Drarry, but due to JK Rowling's unfortunate views on trans folks, I don't interact with canon content or anything outside the Drarry community.